What do all those terms mean in my
Website SEO Audit?

The Audit report helps to identify how your website is operating and whats working well and what needs improvement. Here is a summary of the key terms used in your Audit report and what they mean:


What does it mean?

hreflang conflicts within page source code hreflang is an attribute within the websites code that tells search engines what languge the page is written in. For example it could be "EN-UK" for english United Kingdom
pages returning 5XX status code Generally a HTTP 500 status code is a server side message stating that something is not working correctly or the server needs to execute a task. For example a common 5xx error code is an error 500 or internal server error.
pages don't have title tags A page title tag is a tag within the HTML stating the pages title. generally the title tag tells browsers what the pages title is to display on the tab however its also used for SEO to sell search engines the pages title. This is sometimes used to name the page on search engines.
issues with duplicate title tags The pages title tag has been duplicated on the website, this could lead to bad SEO and commonly a sign that a page has been duplicated on a website.
pages with duplicate content issues One or more pages on a website contains the same content or simular content.
broken internal links A link on the website is not working correctly. This could be a page does not exist or the link is incorrectly configured.
pages couldn't be crawled Something has prevented our robots from crawling a page within a website.
pages couldn't be crawled (DNS resolution issues) The DNS server is not resolving the domain of files within a page. This is a problem with the DNS server and not generally the website
pages couldn't be crawled (incorrect URL formats) The format of the URL is incorrect and our robots are unable to crawl it.
broken internal images An image within a page is failing to load, this could be due to an incorrect image file URL or issue with the media server.
pages with duplicate meta descriptions A Meta Description seems to be the same for more than one page. This can cause SEO issues
format errors in Robots.txt file The robot file is a file that tells robots what pages they are allowed to crawl. If this file is incorrectly configured it could mean search engines are unable to crawl your website.
format errors in sitemap.xml files The sitemap is a file most websites use to tell search engines what pages a website contains. If this folder is not correctly formatted it could mean that search engines are unable to crawl your website,
incorrect pages found in sitemap.xml A link within the sitemap folder seems to be broken or incorrect. This could cause search engines to crawl old or broken pages.
pages with a WWW resolve issue A page with the WWW. subdomain seems to match the same content as a non WWW. page. This can be caused by badly configured 301 or 302 redirects.
pages with no viewport tag A viewport tag helps to make a webpage mobile responsive.
size of HTML on a page is too large A webpage is larger than the average. This could cause a website be load slowly
AMP pages with no canonical tag Search engines seomtimes require the AMP and canocal tags to match.
issues with hreflang values The Hreflang value is not formatted correctly
pages returning 4XX status code A 4XX status is when a page has a user side error. Generally this is either a page does not exist or error 404 or the permissions are set incorrectly.
non-secure pages A page is not using a TLS connection or the page's TLS connection is not configured correctly. TLS is a method of encryption commonly known as SSL
issues with expiring or expired certificate The SSL certificate is expireing or has expired.
issues with old security protocol The Security protocol used is legacy and not compliant with HSTS or TLS encryption standards
issues with incorrect certificate name The certificate being used relates to anouther domain name.
issues with mixed content Some media or assets within a page are not loading over a secure connection.
no redirect or canonical to HTTPS homepage from HTTP version There is not a redirect from a http website visit to redirect them to an https secure page
redirect chains and loops A page redirect redirects back to its self.
AMP HTML issues There is an issue with the HTML on an AMP enabled page.
AMP style and layout issues The style of a page does not comply with mobile devices.
issues with broken internal JavaScript and CSS files Some of the pages CSS or Java is not correctly configured and may not be working correctly.
sitemap.xml files are too large The websites sitemap file is to large
pages with slow load speed The overall website loadtime is slower than usual, you may need to enable a cache or migrate the site to a faster host.